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MOTIVATION: 40 Ways To Say I Love You By SkyMan @SkyMan705 cc @Djchascolee

People always struggle to say nice things to their spouse, Even when they have spent years together or the relationship has been for a while or even to allow you see your spouse inspires you brings a terrible view to a lot of relationships.
God taught us how to love each other not only when it’s raining but most especially during difficult times. As humans we must learn to say Loveable statements or words to our spouse so our relationship can be firm the way God expects us to have it.
These are tips of nice words you can heart fully whisper to your partner, learn them and be for real  with your relationship so God can smile down on you:

40 Ways to Say I Love You

1.   Ever since the day you came into my life, I knew you would be here until the end of time.
2.   I believe that dreams can come true, because mine did when I met you, my love. I will always love you. I swear.
3.   I could never say how much I like you, and just how special you are to me. But I can say that my world is all smiles whenever I am with you. I love you a lot.
4.   I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn.
5.   Maybe it’s too early to say I love you, but I can’t keep it a secret. I’ve never felt this perfectly happy, and I wanted you to know that you’re the reason why.

6.   No matter what I say and what I do, there is not a single moment when I don’t think of you. I really miss you.
7.   I knew my feelings for you were real when I spent more time thinking about you than worrying about myself.
8.   I’ll never ask you to change for me, because you are perfect just the way you are.
9.   If I know what love is, it is because of you. Never leave me. I would be an empty flame without you and my life would lose meaning.
10.                     I know God has someone special for me, and there’s no need to search for him, for he has found me, and I have found him. I have loved you all my life!
11.                     I know I am in love with you, because my reality is finally better than my dreams.
12.                     My sweet prince I loved you once, love you still, always have and always will.
13.                     I never could have accomplished what I have today without the love I feel from you!
14.                     Can we come together one night and surrender our rights and wrongs? Let each other slip into one another’s arms and complete ourselves with the blissful feeling of our love.
15.                     I never knew how it felt to laugh stupidly at someone before I met you. Love you, dear husband.
16.                     When I look into your eyes, I know I’ve found the mirror to my soul.
17.                     I wouldn’t want to have any other lover, because our bond is irreplaceable. I need you like a heart needs a beat.

18.                     If a kiss could tell you how much I love you, I am sure we would be kissing forever.
19.                     If I know what love is, it is because of you. Please be with me and love me always.

20.                     It is true that my heart always skips a beat whenever you say my name.
21.                     Let us flip the coin and see: heads, I am yours, tails you are mine. We could never lose.
22.                     Nobody has the ability to make me feel as weightless and carefree as you can.

23.                     Nobody could ever burn a light as bright as the one you’ve lit in my heart.
24.                     One of the greatest joys in my life is making you smile.
25.                     One of the unique love messages: you may hold my hand for a while, dear, but you will hold my heart forever.
26.                     Our bond is stronger than the sun and sweeter than a bird’s song.

27.                     Our love is a mysterious bond that cannot be broken, and will be ignited for eternity, through all battles and struggles we may face.
28.                     Our relationship is meant to be: something that was written in the stars and drawn into our destiny
29.                     Since the day I have met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder and smile a little more. This is because I have you in my life, dear husband.
30.                     You have turned me into a woman I never thought I could be. I did not ever think I would fall this deep for someone.
31.                     The euphoria I feel when I am with you, husband, is something that can neither be explained nor described, but only felt with my heart.
32.                     There is nobody else I would rather spend my years with. Loving you has been the best thing to ever happen to me!
33.                     When I met you, you knocked me down, and then your presence in my life picked me right up.
34.                     When two people share a strong bond, no matter what happens, the universe will always find a way to bring them together.
35.                     Without you, I am mortal. With you, I can conquer the world and every obstacle thrown towards me.
36.                     You are my life, and the only thing that would hurt to lose. I love you more than anything else.
37.                     No matter where you go or what you do, my love will follow you to the ends of the earth.
38.                     When storm clouds gather and the skies grow dark, I know you will be my shelter and keep me safe from harm.
39.                     I can never stop thinking about you.
40.                     When we first met, I knew you were special. Now, I know just how strong and compassionate a man you truly are, and I’m grateful for every day that I spend with you.
41.                     My favorite place in the world is lying in your arms, gazing into your beautiful eyes.
42.                     You are the prince I’ve dreamt of finding ever since I was a little girl.
43.                     You are reason for me to wake up each day with a smile and thank God.
44.                     You are on my mind now and always. You are the sweetest song that only my ears can hear.
45.                     You bring out the best in me. No other boyfriend would bring out my colors as well as you do.
46.                     You have made me a more caring person, as my feelings for you are inexplicable and inexpiable.
47.                     You lift me up to new levels, and make me feel things I have never felt before.
48.                     You’re the only man I dream about at night, and the only man I want to wake up next to in the morning.
49.                     Before we became lovers, I was simply living. Now, I am alive.

For more information on Love keep viewing this column
Have a date with me on my show (Drive Through Show, 7.00pm – 10.00pm Monday - Friday) Rainbow 94.1fm
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