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·         Love is the feeling that drives you to be a better person for one another, because they deserve the absolute best. Love is when you finally feel as if you can rest and relax with someone. You don't need items, you don't need parties, all you need is the person you love. It's like as soon as you find that one amazing person, that's all you crave in life. Just be in their embrace and be able to truly enjoy who they are, for everything they are. That's love.

·         Love is a total commitment controlled by both lovers' heart and mind.

·         Love is the reflection of one's inner needs and desires, seen in another's soul.

·         what is love? love is the warm feeling you get inside, its the pain your heart feels like its been torn when they are gone, its the most amazing thing in the world to some people, but to others its the darkness waiting in the night for its next victim...

·         Love is knowing someone's flaws and accepting them anyway. Love is always mutual. You cannot truly love someone who does not love you in return. Love makes you want to be the best you can be for the other person. Love takes time to happen. When you are in love you won't need to ask "what is love?"

·         Love is the nausea you feel when you wife cries in pain. Its holding her hair during morning sickness. Love is the giggle you share when you see each other across a crowded room. Love is not eating junk food in hopes that you get another year or two to gaze in her eyes. Love is missing her before she leaves and seeing her every time you close your eyes before she gets home. Love is passing out in the delivery room from not breathing like you keep telling her to do. Love makes men out of boys, lions out of cowards, and bears out of fathers.

·         Love is the irresistible desire to be desired irresistibly
·         Love is a beautiful feeling for someone special... Example: When your beloved is away from you, her/his single word can give you warmth in cold, heal a wound without medicine, and you feel much better.
·         Love is like a key that opens the gate of happiness.
·         Love is the readiness to sacrifice everything, the ability to surmount all obstacles, and the acceptance of one another as they are.
·         Love is a feeling that can be defined by the mind but cannot be described by the heart.
·         Love is timeless: it's the memory of yesterday, the happiness of today and the promise of tomorrow.
·       unselfishness
·         Love is putting your beloved's needs and desires ahead of your own, hoping s/he will want to be with you, but respecting their wishes if they do not. True love is wishing happiness and fulfillment for your beloved, even at the cost of your own.

·         Love is full of mystery, bigger than life, larger than the whole universe. You'll never know what it is... you'll never know that it's real... you'll never know what it feels. No one know how it started or even if it has an ending. We tell people that we love them, but we often don't know how to show it. Was it caring? Respect? Pity? No one knows.
·         Love can take many forms. It can be the person we desire, the thing that we envy or just a moment of heaven. One thing is certain, love is love.
·         Love is the readiness to sacrifice everything, the ability to surmount all obstacles and the acceptance of each other the way you are.
·         Love is the reason I married my husband. Love is sticking together through good and bad and forgiving the bad things said in an argument to be as one.
·         Love is not a victory march. It's a cold and broken hallelujah.
·         Love is free, no rules just lots of caring for one another. There are no rules in love, it doesn't matter who you fall in love with because no one can know for sure who they will end up with. There is no pride in love, no I'm right she's wrong or she's right and I'm wrong, when there's a problem talk about it, fix it with a cool calm head. Love alleviates all the problems in the day, just listen to each other. Love is hard but rewarding... When things get bad it takes effort and understanding to make it better. Love has no boundaries, people do lots of crazy things for love and this is normal, you're not crazy you're in love. Love does need space, some alone time, just like a flower can be drowned with too much water and no sun, try giving space and you will be missed. Love can make the longest distance feel short at times and last of all true love will be patient, forgiving and understanding to make it work and to make it last.
·         To find love is to find that one person in the world that you would be willing to give everything for. It is eternal and unwavering. Love does not falter, it does not disappear. It establishes itself and remains 'till your dying day.
·         Love is the foundational essence and fundamental purpose for all of human existence.
·         Love is when you care for someone more than you care for yourself :-
·         To love is to place our happiness in the life of another.
·         . Love is when you love someone without expectation
·         Love is an expressive action that connects the heart and mind.
·         Love is that emotional feeling of passion for one another. Love is not finding someone to live with but it is finding someone you cannot live without.
·         LOVE is a warm endless feeling that makes you want more. It's a feeling that convinces you that there are better days to come, a feeling that runs throughout your body like a rapid fire. What is LOVE? LOVE is LOVE!!
·         Love is jealous, spiteful, vindictive and painful. But we endure it just for that one moment where everything is perfect.
·         Love is accepting someone for who they really are, not who they try to be.
·       Love is
·         Being irrationally drawn to someone so much that you'd be willing to risk your heart being broken in the hopes of keeping them
·         Love is to be loved and live to love... A successful marriage, fathering a child, or even cultivating a garden, all show your love.
·         Love is a commitment to mutual trust and who can accept us as it is. Love is to complement and supplement our shortcomings. Because love is sincere, clean and honest.
·         Love? Nobody knows what it is. It's only an illusion one uses to keep someone they care about. Love isn't telling someone you love them just because it fits. Love is only real once in every lifetime. Meaning it does not exist in the world until it has happened for you, and you will never know when it has happened. Love is nothing, yet love is everything, only being described by the person who has been blessed with love. Love is rare, yet it is everywhere.
·         Love is accepting another with all their imperfections and without any conditions, qualifications, or subconscious desire for change. True love exists only when those same imperfections become endearing traits that make your heart smile.
·         Love is what anyone wants to make it. It can be love between a mother and daughter or old lady and her cat. We can't all have the love Romeo and Juliet had and even their love wasn't perfect. Love is what you make it so LIVE as if you were dying tomorrow LAUGH till you can't laugh anymore and LOVE like you've never been hurt!
·         Love is the ability to put others before yourself. Love is buying little trinkets just because you know someone else will like it. Love is taking care of someone else no matter how tired you are. Love is caring, sharing, finishing sentences together, thinking the same thoughts, and feeling like the people you love are your best friends even if they are related. Love is a feeling that tells you that you are never alone. It takes so little to share love with the world. Just sending out a beautiful e-mail is sharing love.
·         Love is the ultimate sacrifice, when you find your instincts are no longer to look after yourself first but to put all of your strength and determination into making the person you love unconditionally happy.
·         Love is more than the three words mumbled before bedtime. It is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other.
·         Love is what makes a man cry, it's what turns a proud individual into a submissive dog to a harsh master. Because of love, one will endure and wait eternities for the other with high expectations. Love exists to give a person a reason to want to wake up every day and to wish it all would last forever. To love is to live for others than yourself, especially that one person you wish to spend the rest of your life with in holy matrimony
·         Love can be felt in many ways, whether it's lust, envy or just plain obsession, love in short is something that cannot be seen or heard, but something that is truly amazing. Love can change people. Love has a tendency to make people forget who they were. Love is just an emotion, a fixation among the certain person you believe you feel it for. It's attraction, it's amazing, and at some times painful. Love isn't being with someone forever, or making yourself feel depressed over the fact that you love them, it's just a feeling, like hate, or hunger. but it's everywhere, it's attraction to the beautiful things, and attraction to the imperfection. Learning to love someone is seeing them for who they really are. Most of all, love is the basis of all happiness. Without love, what is there?

                                 Keep Having a date with Skyman on Rainbow 94.1fm, 

                       Shows,  D DRIVE THRU SHOW ; 7PM TO 10PM  --MONDAY 2 FRIDAY

                          HIP HOP SATURDAY;   12NOON  TO  3.30PM--   EVERY SATURDAY

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