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EXCLUSIVE: BN interviews Nigeria’s Most Talked About Beauty Queen – Nike Oshinowo | Her Talk Show, Her Twins, Her Legacy & More

Over two decades ago, Nike Oshinowo was crowned as the coveted Miss Nigeria beauty queen. Since then, she has gone on to become a serial entrepreneur and fodder for all types of entertainment news. Good or bad, Nike Oshinowo has come out of it all with even bigger strides towards her many diverse passions. Her recent foray into the world of late night television piqued our interest at BellaNaija and we wanted to get up close and personal with the host of Late Nights with Nike Oshinowo. The oldest of 5 children, she was born in Ibadan, and sent to prep school at the age of 7. She graduated from Essex University, with a degree in Politics.
Read on to find out more about this interesting woman, whose beauty remains as startling as it did in the 80s!
It’s been over 20 years since you were crowned Miss Nigeria, can you still recall how you felt that moment when your name was called out?
In actual fact, it’s almost 25 years and interestingly, yes, I do remember that evening. I remember I had the mother of all migraines on stage, I also remember being in the top three and knowing for sure that I was not going to win because I had such a strong foreign accent. Mostly, I remember being puzzled when my name was called and the crown put on my head. What I really enjoyed that evening was being in the limo for the parade immediately afterwards and waving to the crowds in the streets.
What do you think about the current way beauty pageants are run now and the quality of models who enter these pageants?
It’s interesting that you use the word models because models aren’t really supposed to enter beauty pageants. The modelling industry and the beauty industry are two totally separate industries. I’m not sure if people know this but models don’t usually win beauty pageants because models are tall and gangly, and the women who win beauty 0C3A7354pageants are supposed to be shapely and elegant – they need to be elegant, beautiful and have qualities that will make them role models for young ladies. That’s what it’s really about, hence the word ‘Queen’.
There’s a new age of people who believe that the societal idea of beauty largely affects self esteem negatively, how would you define beauty and the relentless quest for it?
Nigerians are relentless in their tireless quest for beauty.  It’s exhausting. What I find frustrating is that the public constantly project their concept of beauty on everyone else, most especially me. Whereas my concept of beauty is simplicity, grace, and elegance. I view beauty in a holistic manner, rather than some kind of relentless crusade. So for me, it’s important to make sure that I eat properly, drink enough fluids and get regular exercise. The result is that I’m slim, I have good skin and I’m aging as naturally as possible. There is no secret; we must all find a balance.
Your recently started your very own talk show. Can you share some of the highlights of the experience so far
The amazing response. I actually didn’t take that into consideration when planning the show; we just didn’t imagine that it would be such a hit so soon. Nor did I realize how vast my interests are. I love Nigerian music; I’m a great fan of our Nigerian musical artists. I also have a great understanding of Nigerian politics and its many complexities. We really are a unique people. As such, our political theory needs to be tailor made to us._DSC0106 [1024x768]
Your divorce and your becoming a single parent was in the media, how would you say this family structure fits with your work/professional life and profile?
One has nothing to do with the other. What I have learned is that families come in all shapes and sizes, all different forms. Mine is very unique, it is mama and two little children. {Click here to read the story of the arrival of the babies}
Can you walk us through an average day in Nike Oshinowo’s life?
No I can’t. I literally don’t have an average day. Every day is different. One constant is that I take care to spend as much time with my children as humanly possible. As far as work, there never seems to be enough hours in the day and so I find myself constantly doing work either on the go, at the office or at home, using my phones and iPad.
What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment so far?
It would have to be having my children. I am aware of the fact that I didn’t carry them myself. However, facilitating and going through the process of them being in this world and watching them grow into healthy, well-adjusted toddlers – I truly do believe that is an amazing accomplishment, if not my greatest to date.
Nike Oshinowo for Hello! Magazine - May 2014 -
Cover page of Hello Nigeria showing Nike Oshinowo and her Twins
You’re a well known fitness and healthy living enthusiast, what’s your regimen like?
Actually, I’m not a fitness enthusiast. There’s nothing about fitness or exercise that I feel the least bit enthusiastic about. I’m a wellness and healthy living enthusiast. As such, I know I have to exercise and I do, even though I don’t enjoy it. Everyone knows I’d rather stay in bed and watch television.
On a lighter note, please tell us one thing nobody knows about you.. a guilty pleasure, favourite musician, or a luxury product you wouldn’t mind breaking the bank for
I don’t have guilty pleasures. My pleasure is my pleasure. Though I don’t feel guilty about them. I love food, I love to sleep. I’m not the least bit apologetic about it, I could sleep for Nigeria. I enjoy taking time off, but I also work super hard so it doesn’t occur to me to feel guilty – I love a good vacay!
We really enjoyed chatting with Nike Oshinowo. Look out for more Late Nights with Nike Oshinowo posts on BN.
Photo Credit: RB-Pr & Hello Nigeria Magazine
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