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#DJCP_Tips on how to make your child your best friend

The world is changing and the things that used to work before when raising children, might not work as easily today.
Portrait of Happy Family In Park
There are so much more dangers our kids are at risk for and for most of them, they need the parents to protect them. For that to happen, they need parents they are not afraid to open up to. So, if you truly want your child to consider you a confidante, while instilling the right discipline in them, then you ought to be careful what to do.
Keep the tips below in mind.
Realize children are different: Not all children respond to the same kind of punishment. Some kids deserve more iron fist than others. A good parent will know what works best with their own child. Some children are actually naturally polite, cautious and laid back, and if you handle them too roughly, you might break their self-esteem and kill their spirit. A child with low self-esteem is more likely to fall for peer pressure and keep secrets which might be harmful for them. For these kinds of kids, you only need to talk to them, and adopt less strict punishment. Chances are, they will learn the difference between right and wrong real fast. Then there are those children that just love to test limits. Still, make sure you discipline with patience and love.
Give them chances: It is only fair to give your child the benefit of a ‘first time offender’ because kids are naturally curious. Make sure they are well warned before instilling discipline. Make sure the rules are very clear to them. If you attack as soon as they take one step, you risk alienating them and making you become something they fear instead of love.
Avoid discipline for accident: Accidentally breaking a glass or spilling water might make you angry, but before you act, realize that this is a mistake anyone, even adults can make. Do not lash out by punishing your child immediately when you know for a fact that what happened was a humanly mistake. Use that opportunity to teach forgiveness and teach them how to prevent accidents in future.
Kids learn by mistakes: Kids will always be kids. There is no perfect child out there just like there is no perfect adult. They will make mistakes and test you, but they will also love you unconditionally so do not let your whole life be about discipline. You will instantly feel less stressed when you realize, the mistakes your children are making are pretty common, and nothing is wrong with them. This will teach you to be a bit more patient.
Discipline with love: After you discipline your child, do not sulk or stay mad. Once you are done with the punishment, let it go. Hold them close and let all be forgotten. Do not hold a grudge with your child. This way, they know that whatever happens, their parent will always love them.
Make sure they understand the reasons: Some parents are so focused on punishment and laying down the laws that they do not even take the time to explain where their kids went wrong. This is unfair. Imagine someone punishing you and you do not understand why, it can be really confusing and frustrating. So, before or after the discipline, explain your reasons. For instance, “You are being punished for being rude. No one likes a rude person so you need to learn to be more polite.” You are not only telling them why they are being disciplined, you are explaining why a change will be for their own good.
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