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#DJCP_Things to be wary of when transporting within Lagos

– Commuting in Lagos is beyong just jumping into a vehicle and hopping out
– The city requires a certain level of knowledge of how it works to forge through it
As with everything in Lagos, transportation has its uniqueness. It will therefore be folly to assume that because you have been to other places in the world that is enough to equip with you what you need to understand and survive Lagos transport system. If you just coming to the city for the first time irrespective of where you are staying before, there are some important things you must know about Lagos transportation and commuting.
If you don’t take note of these things, you are likely to waste your time and money trying to get to your destination in the ever bust city.
Here are some important things you need to be wary of about Lagos transportation.


Change is the most important and the most used word used by drivers and conductors in Lagos. If a driver or conductor tells you after you have entered that hope you have change and not high currency, you can relax as he is only trying to see if he can get as much change as possible. If you are told prior to entering the bus, you can’t afford to pretend not to hear. If the driver or conductor warns that he is not interested in buying gala or La casera just to get change, know that you are in soup with the N1, 000 notes. Get ready for being paired with another unlucky passenger as the two of you have to move around like Siamese twins to split the money the conductor gives you.

Buses don’t stop at bus stops

Yes you read that right. The likeliest place who you can find commercial vehicles at a stop is bus parks. Bus stops are only temporary places to slow down in Lagos for you to jump into or out of the vehicle. If you don’t have the liver to do that, be ready to go for a taxi. Don’t expect a bus or motorcycle to wait for you while you saunter to reach it. If you don’t show any enthusiasm, the bus will leave you behind.

Never ask the driver how much the fare costs

If you don’t know how much the fare is, it’s reasonable to ask a passenger except you don’t mind losing a few Nairas to the conductor. This is because as soon as a conductor realizes that you have no idea how much the fare is, he won’t waste time increasing the price. Co-passengers are likely to tell you how much the true fare is.

Never keep mute if you don’t know your bus stop

If you are going anywhere in Lagos for the first time and you take a bus, don’t assume all is well when you tell the driver and conductor where you are going. Don’t sit back because the driver has promised to stop when he gets to your bus stop. You need to constantly remind the driver until he gets to your place except you don’t mind taking the long walk back to your bus stop after the driver had taken you past it.

Drive with the motorcyclist

Commercial motorcycles, popularly known as okadas are notorious for the maddening way their drivers drive. You need to constantly remind the driver that you need are not riding to another country and he should therefore stop driving like there is a competition. If you keep mute and hope all goes well, you might not like the result of a collision with a vehicle.

Approach drivers for direction

If you need to get to anywhere in Lagos, don’t bother to ask commuters as you might likely end up in a wrong place. For reasons not easy to fathom, some commuters either deliberately or unknowingly give wrong directions when you ask them the way to your destination. It’s safer to approach a driver or conductor who is very likely to give you the right direction.

Collect items before paying in a bus

If you are in a bus and want to buy something from the traffic sellers, you must never hand over your money first except you don’t mind parting with it. In Lagos, the trend is to collect the item and your balance before you hand out your money. No driver will stop because you are unable to collect the item you paid for.
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